Dentures and partial dentures are removable artificial teeth that offer a natural-looking replacement for a row, or rows of missing teeth. Dentures are a commonly offered dental solution offered at Grove Dental Clinic.
Whether it is aging, tooth decay or an accident, some people find themselves missing multiple teeth or an entire row of teeth. Dentures can provide natural-looking artificial teeth to replace the natural ones that are no longer functional or present in the mouth. People who suffer from missing teeth and have trouble eating and speaking normally may find that dentures are an ideal solution.
With dentures or partial dentures, we can provide a customized set of replacement teeth for each individual patient’s needs. With customized dentures, the patient will be able to eat and speak much easier than before they had them. We can also provide continued maintenance to the dentures to help keep them functioning properly.
If you are interested in a customizable natural-looking tooth replacement option, then call us to learn more about dentures and partial dentures today.
We can provide patients with temporary dentures while they are undergoing a cosmetic dentistry procedure to replace a missing tooth. Temporaries ensure that patients throughout the Falls Church area have a natural looking smile while waiting for dental implants or a dental bridge to be completed. This is an excellent solution for when a tooth is knocked out during a sports game or in an accident. The temporary denture is secured in place with a metal wire that works like a retainer and can be taken in and out whenever you like. If you are looking for an immediate solution for replacing a missing tooth call (703) 578-0000. Keep in mind that a temporary denture is only meant to be worn for a few months and will need to be replaced.
If only a few of your teeth are missing, partial dentures are a good solution for replacing them. Unlike a full set of dentures, these are held in place by a plastic base that is the same color as your gums. A metal framework is typically created in order to secure the base and prevent it from falling out. As long as you have natural teeth in place, you cannot wear a full set, so a partial set of dentures is necessary. We treat patients throughout the Falls Church area that want to know if a partial set is better than a cosmetic procedure. They function differently because dentures are removable and cosmetic dentistry solutions are typically permanent. If you live in the Falls Church VA area, call for your consultation and we can provide you with a list of options to consider.
Patients throughout the Falls Church area like how convenient dentures are. Whether you need a full or partial set, dentures can replace teeth in a non-invasive way. There is no surgical element to worry about, and temporary dentures can be fitted immediately. This provides a quick and easy solution. If, however, you are looking for something that feels more natural, you should consider a cosmetic dentistry procedure.
Patients may enjoy the benefits of alternative options to dentures. There is a procedure that combines implant dentistry with dentures. Those that need complete dentures can benefit by having a secure way to hold their dentures in place. If you live in the Falls Church VA area, we can examine your gums and let you know if you are a good candidate for the procedure. In this scenario, an impression is taken of your mouth in order to create a denture that will be secured in place using implants. Once created, metal posts will be implanted under your gums, and the dentures secured to it. This way patients get the benefits of how quickly dentures can be created and the convenience of the stability that can only come from using implant technology.
Every night you need to take your dentures out. We advise patients to rinse them thoroughly then use a denture brush to remove any food particles before rinsing them again. You also need to brush your gums, tongue, and the roof of your mouth with a soft toothbrush and toothpaste. You can use an antiseptic mouthwash afterwards to kill any lingering bacteria and improve your breath. Your dentures should soak all night then be placed back in the mouth in the morning.
We are committed to providing quality healthcare to families located in the Falls Church area and treat patients of all ages.
3400 Payne St Ste #101
Falls Church, VA 22041
Phone: (703) 578-0000
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